Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Nursing School - HERE HE COMES!!!
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Back to school, anyone?
So, I just finished my application to Utah Valley University. They are open enrollment right now because they're trying to beef up the student body since becoming a university. Hopefully there won't be any problems getting in. I'll know in 48 hours if I've been accepted and then I can enroll for the semester starting in January. Cross your fingers for me!!!
Reilly and Sean's Christmas Programs
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Buyers Remorse - No More!!
The first one is my water dispenser. I used to buy Brita filters for my Brita purifier, but was really bad about refilling it. We would have to drink straight from the tap and I hate that! Some of it is because of the taste, but most of it is because I like my beverages so cold that they hurt my teeth to drink. So, on one trip to the store, I was looking at the dispensers. This particular one cost $60.00 for the unit and a few dollars for the water bottle. I did the math and concluded that is would be cheaper than spending $30.00 on filters every three months for my purifier; five gallon water refills are $3 and we can refill 10 times for the same price... we don't drink anywhere near that.
The next one is my camera. I've only ever had Canon Powershot cameras, so it's all I know. But they're so easy to use and have great features. I don't think I'd ever get another brand. Incidentally, I just bought a digital camcorder that is also a Canon and am quite pleased. I've only had it for two weeks, so it doesn't qualify to be on the list yet.
The last item for my list are the two white shelves I bought for my Christmas decorations. I had some little trinkets that I didn't want to put on a table where my kids could easily get them (when they were younger - obviously now they can reach the shelves), so I thought it'd be great to have them on the wall. Well, not only have they worked for Christmas decor, but they've stayed up all year round to put pictures of the kids on. It just gives a different look than hanging them. I like it!
So, the point of the blog - I'm watching what I spend and trying to make this list the ONLY list!!
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Family Pictures
We finally did some family pictures today. I've been waiting for some snow and this week was the first time it's stuck! Last year, one day it snowed all morning and it got warm in the late afternoon so a lot of the snow started to melt. That night everything froze and in the morning, it was so sparkly! All the snow that started to melt had froze into icicles all over houses and trees and everything had an icy blanket. It was so pretty that I thought it'd be a great background for some pictures. We didn't do it because I'm lame, and it never happened again. So, this year, I'm determined to get some great outdoor, snowy pictures. This was take one. We had GREAT fun taking them, but it's not quite what I wanted. We'll be sending some cards out (late, of course), so you can all see what we did. This picture cracks me up!
Reilly plays the piano...
Friday, December 12, 2008
Christmas Craft
So, just to make sure that a 5/6 year-old could do it easily and use up between 10-15 minutes, I had Reilly and her friend from her class, Jacey, do it together. They had fun and it worked out perfectly! I'm doing it!
The Rolling Apple - Part 2 "No Easter Bunny?!"
Okay, so no one got my reference in the title "The Rolling Apple," so I'm just going to explain myself really quickly... The apple doesn't fall from the tree, but this one's trying to get away! Not to knock Mom and Dad, because I copy them all the time! People don't want to be like their parents, but it's bound to happen.
Enough about that! This one's for Mom. While we're stressing about Christmas crap like, 'do we have what they want?,' 'are we following all the traditions?,' etc... one thing keeps coming up, "Mom, is Santa real?" I don't want to burst Reilly's bubble so soon and with Sean only being 4, it doesn't seem right to ruin Christmas fun just yet. So, I've been thinking about my childhood and how long I believed in Santa. I don't think I'm any more out of the ordinary than anyone else, but I remember when Mom told me there was no Santa. I asked her and I think she asked me back, "do you really want to know the truth?" I said 'yes' and she broke the news. It didn't ruin my Christmas, but if I was old enough to remember the conversation, I must've believed long enough... Mom did an amazing job teaching us that Christmas is about the birth of the Savior (I was featured in the newspaper as a result - Mom, do a blog about that so I can show my kids) and all the other fluff was just ... fluff. She let us believe if we wanted to, but didn't push us to buy into the commercialized-Christmas. I have huge boots to fill when it comes to that, but I'm doing my best. I always respond to Reilly with, "Do you think he's real?" and then let her answer it. We have traditions that include reading children's books about Christ's birth and placing the baby Jesus in the manger on Christmas Eve. I hope it's making it more about that then presents and Santa, but only time will tell. Anyway, I was thinking about other fictional holiday characters and one stood out from the others.
The Easter Bunny! I do NOT let my kids believe in that crap! I've told them from the first Easter that we celebrated (and that they could talk/understand me) it that is NOT what Easter is about. If they want to have an egg hunt, we'll do it. If they want to get baskets with candy in it, we'll do it. But the purpose for the holiday is to celebrate the Savior ! It is NOT a gift-giving holiday! THE END!
Sean "Sings" Jingle Bells...
Speaking of Reilly...
Oh, BTW, remember how much I love Reilly's hair in a short-bob? Well, she always used to fight with me about cutting it that short. She has a friend with super, SUPER long hair and always wanted hair that long, but just when her hair is getting to a long length, she decides that it might not be such a bad idea to cut it again! Ahhh! Now I love it long and am having fun styling it!!! I'm going to keep pushing it off. I say, "After family pictures.." or "When school's out..." I hope she doesn't catch on.
Daddy and Reilly Go To School!
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Funniest Sleeping Picture
PS - He is TOTALLY the cutest boy ... EVER!!!
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Talk much!?
I have a solution, though! Here's a grammatically correct phrase with the same idea:
'a whole OTHER!' Huh? What do you think? Good, eh?!
BTW, I did a spellcheck because I don't like to blog with awful spelling and 'nother' came up yellow!!!
December 4th... still no snow.
Saturday, November 29, 2008
No, you're a potato head!
Sean has a new book meant to get him ready for writing letters and numbers. It has mazes and activities that make him control the pencil/pen. He was really funny doing it! He had to write his name on every page (he's getting so good at it) and he kept it open by doing a funny shuffle-kneely thing... I can't explain it, so watch it. Also, Reilly was having a really bad day and told me about it while I tried desperately not to laugh.
** UPDATE **
Stupid Blogger sucks really bad! I can't seem to upload videos anymore! So, here's a link to the video on YouTube.
Before and After Dresser
When Dustin and I got married, we took John's old drawers so that we each had one. I used Dustin's old one and he used John's. He never really had all the room he needed, but made it work. So, recently, when I was filling Reilly and Sean's dresser (they shared) with their winter clothes, they really didn't fit. On Saturday, Dustin decided to re-do John's dresser so that Sean could use it. I was TOTALLY against it because the drawers are messed up and it's just a piece of crap, but he persisted. BTW, it looks like it's 10pm outside in the pic where he's sanding it, but it's actually 6:30pm. Anyway, so after he sanded, primed and painted it, I was convinced. It looks great! Sean got to pick the colors - green for the dresser and drawers and blue for the handles - and he could hardly wait until it was done to start using it!
It's done now and he has so much space. Reilly was bummed at first that she couldn't paint hers (I told her we could do rub-on-transfers instead), but the more she helped with his, the more excited she got for having her own drawers.
This week random events...
Sean's Birthday
Friday, November 28, 2008
My Blueberry Nights
Overall, the movie was good. Very artistic, but not in an annoying, 'am I still watching this,' kind of way. I just have a couple of problems with it.
First, recently, I saw an interview with Norah Jones (lead female) and she said that the three years that she spent touring with Come Away With Me and Feels Like Home, were the worst years of her life... BTW I saw her on that tour and she did great. She also said that she had her cake and ate it, so she didn't need to be famous anymore. The problem is, acting as a lead-role in a movie that did the independent circuit puts you out there to be famous... no?
The second problem might be nothing, but one of the songs from the movie that plays sporadically during the movie seems to be a knock-off of a Sarah McLachlan song. Last Dance is the last song on her Surfacing CD and follows the knock-off song note-for-note. Seems highly suspicious... Hopefully that didn't plagiarize.
I really liked the movie and was very impressed with Norah Jones. For never acting (EVER), she worked it.
Monday, November 24, 2008
Filthy Rich CEOs
Here's the deal: Even among the car manufacturers, CEOs and other execs have maintained their salaries and bonuses, along with company perks (such as living across the country and reporting for work each Monday on a private jet), while their companies have made dramatic cuts to avoid from going bankrupt... for example, laying off over 50,000 employees. That's the average American right there.
It seems to me that by keeping the money at the top, they are sealing the fate of the company. If you break down the spending, it does the company NO good to continually beef up execs pocket because they're not the ones making the company money, nor are they the ones who keep money circulating to other businesses. The average-American is. Let's call him Joe.
Joe, works a 50+ hour week as an engineer at a medical device company, we'll call it Meditronics. Meditronics is a small business that declares a market value of $4 million. Joe makes just about $79,000 a year with no perks. He doesn't recieve a company car to travel the 45 miles to work, nor does he receive compensation for gas or time. He buys his own life-insurance policy so that his family is taken care of if he should die. He also spends his own money on a PDA-cell phone so that he can keep in touch with co-workers off-the-clock. Joe is constantly being railed at work about making the devices better; lighter, easier to use, and, above all, cheaper to manufature. He works tirelessly with other members of the team to produce the best possible product. Joe works a little with their CEO, we'll call him Todd.
Todd is the only CEO at Meditronics, but he's also the mayor of a small town just south of Meditronics. He makes just over $400,000 with plenty of perks. He has a company car so that he can travel as much as he needs to. He also has a company cellphone and bonuses that are 10% of his salary. Todd comes to the office three or four times a week, but because he is also a mayor, his time is limited. He checks in with his officers and other execs to make sure business is running smoothly and on time; then, he's out to work elsewhere.
Back to Joe. Joe just bought a house and is penny pinching so that he and his family can buy new furniture in the near future. They could use some home upgrades, but can't afford them yet. They could also use a second car, but couldn't budget a car payment on his salary. They are the average spenders for our economy, but can't spend money they don't have. Todd on the other hand, drives a company car, gets a life-insurance policy through the company, has a lavish home and declares his vacations as company business. He is not the average spender for our economy, yet he makes the money.
Todd, Joe and Meditronics are small-potatos compared to car manufacturers and banks, but the story is the same as far as the aveage Joes in their companies. Joe makes the company more money and is being laid-off. After he gets laid-off, he has even less money to spend. So, all that construction that was going on, stopped. All those new cars at the showrooms, still there. Joe can't make the economy go anywhere if he doesn't have money and Todd isn't spending his own money on those things anyway. He's using the company dime to live, but taking a salary while he's at it.
Does this make sense to anyone? I think the best form of action would be the following:
1. Audit Todd's company.
2. Get Todd a list of unneccessary spending to change.
3. Check back with Todd about how company is shaping up after much needed changes.
4. Bail Todd out with a loan if he continues to have problems.
Stop overlooking the problems! Deal with them! CEOs should NOT being showing up to beg for money in a private jet!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
The Rolling Apple - Part 1 "Silence!"
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Blogged out?
Me: My internet doesn't stay connected while I'm uploading anything.
Them: Have you tried restarting everything?
Me: Yeah.
Them: Have you tried unplugging everything, waiting five minutes and then rebooting everything?
Me: Yeah... (but thinking, 'Why the crap does the five minutes matter? If you cut off power for 30 seconds, isn't that the same??')
Them: We can send a tech-guy out to check it out if you'd like.
Me: Are you going to charge me for it?
Them: No. Unless the problem is something on your side of it.
Me: What does that mean?
Them: If you've striped any wires or threading... or if you've damaged any of the connection boxes then you'd have to pay to have them repaired...
Me: Do people damage their own property often? This crap was expensive!
Them: .... No... Not often.
Me: Then, why do you even say that?
Them: I don't know...
Me: Yeah, then, send them out.
Them: How is Monday between 8am and 9pm? (just kidding, that's a dramatization... but is the real thing any less obnoxious??)
Me: Yeah... well, I think I'll be home all day?! I'll make it happen.
Them: Okay, you're tech-guy's name is 'blah-blah' (like I care what they WT guy's name is!) and he'll call you when he's about there.
Me: Thanks??
Them: Is there anything else I can help you out with today?
Me: No? (but thinking, 'Did you help me yet?')
Them: Okay, have a great day!
Me: Thanks?? Bye!
Was that too long? It would've been better if it were a video, huh?!
Monday, November 10, 2008
Best day EVER!
We had the normal rush to get to church, mostly because the Primary program was happening and Reilly and I had to get their early. She gave a talk and I played the violin with one of my students during a couple songs. Reilly's talk was great! But the funniest part of the whole program was her and her friend, Miki, entertaining themselves with their name cards. The presidency put up cards so that each kid would know where to sit. Reilly and Miki took off the cards and fanned themselves, stuck them to their shirts, and, best of all, covered their faces during songs. I had so many different comments about it. Reilly's preschool teacher said that their whole family was laughing hysterically the whole time. Miki's parents joked that Reilly and Miki would have to be seperated for next year's program (they did a similar thing last year - lifting their dresses). I had other people ask me if I was embarrassed... or how stressful it is when you can't control your kids and they don't know how to read your facial expressions... I was like, Reilly could see me. I was across the stand from her and she kept looking at me. I could've told her to stop and she would have, but it was funny! I was laughing, too. She won't like doing those things if they're not fun. Can you imagine, being five and having to sit still for a whole hour in front of a crowd? No way! It was good times.
So, anyway, after church was over, we had no where to go and nothing to do. We hung out in my room the rest of the day. We rented a movie on Saturday, but didn't watch it until yesterday... BTW Kung Fu Panda was as bad as I remembered. After the movie, we harassed Dustin for a while. The kids took off his socks and tried to take off his pants... when they couldn't, they resorted to giving him a wedgie. Then, I changed the sheets and the kids found that our king-sized pillow sheets were big enough to be 'sleeping bags.' So, while they weren't paying attention, I closed Sean into his and hoisted it over my shoulder like a sack and walked around the house saying, 'Ho! Ho! Ho!' They took turns being the sack and laughing uncontrollably! We must have been really busy because while I was walking around, I noticed how much warmer it was in my room... even with the fan on and the window open! :)
After a few hours of sure craziness, they were ready for bed. The end! Great day!
Monday, November 3, 2008
Presidential Election 2008
I have been unimpressed with the potential leaders of our country, and have resolved that voting really doesn't do us much good in the long run... the members of the electoral college will ultimately vote how they want (or have been paid to). However, this is NO excuse for not staying informed! Be active about getting to know who will be running our country because we will pay the price!
Please! The vote is tomorrow, don't go into the ballot and vote blindly. There's still time to find out about the candidates. Figure it out and KNOW who you're voting for before you vote.
Thursday, October 30, 2008
Happy Halloween ... from Sean!
Sean almost didn't go to his preschool party, and ... maybe it didn't really matter if he wasn't there. Just kidding! He's usually great at school, but I think all the unfamiliar parents got the best of him! Poor boy's just too shy for a crowd.
I tried to upload the stupid 18 second video of Sean at the party to Blogger and YouTube, but couldn't get it to do it at either site... I'll try again later, so you can check out how Sean looked for his party. Come back.
Okay, here it is!
Close Call
See how cute Sean's costume turned out? Well, it almost happened again!! He woke up this morning super excited to dress up and go to his Preschool Halloween Party! We got him dressed and I asked him if he wanted to wear his vampire teeth, or if he wanted me to draw them on his chin. He said to draw them on and then insisted on seeing them in the mirror. I should NOT have let him because he freaked himself out and then threw a fit! I told him to put the rest of the costume on and then see how he felt. It didn't work. So, then I took off his cape and belt, got my shoes on, and said that I was going to go trick-or-treating at his party while he stayed in bed. He quickly stopped crying and bargained.
He came over to me and grabbed my leg. Then, with his cute, sad face said, "I don't want these teeth, but I really want to wear my cape." Whew! I thought he was going to go another year with no costume.
Tuesday, October 28, 2008
As if that wasn't enough...
Look how cute!!! :) Hooray! I did all of that! Now, I just have to find the time to finish them.
I *heart* Dustin!
We started the kids' costumes a few weeks ago so that we'd have ample time to finish, and we made it! They're all done! We've been putting the kids to bed and then staying up late trying to get as much done as possible. Reilly's was the hardest because we had a cape and a dress complete with fur lining on the bottom of the cape, dress and sleaves.
Doing her's first also helped us do Sean's cape. We started at 7:30pm and were done by 10:00pm. I know it seems long, but it was amazingly fast. With me cutting the fabric, pinning and telling Dustin what to do, and him sewing everything, it went by very quickly. :)
So, anyway, doing all of this got me to thinking. Of all the husbands that I know, I have a hard time believing that many of them would kill their backs sewing late into the night to help their wives. We may argue about school, work, money, parenting (sounds like we're on the brink of marrital melt-down, eh?!), but, in the end, he's got my back and would do whatever to help me out. He's a great guy!
Monday, October 27, 2008
B - I - N - G - O
Dustin rented some movies on Saturday, but we didn't get a chance to watch them until last night. He got a movie named Bingo (1991 and it shows) for the kids and some dramatic thriller for him... er, uh... I mean us? Well, in the middle of our movie, Reilly comes running down the stairs in tears! My initial thought was, 'What are you two fighting about this time?!' I was wrong! It was the movie. Apparently, it's about a dog that gets treated very badly by all of its owners. From the time he's a puppy, he gets abused from owner to owner (one is a ring-leader in a carnival). Anyway, she was crying because it was too sad for her! How sweet is she? It was adorable that she cares so much that this very poor movie got her to tears over the main character!
So I watched the end of the movie with her and really had a hard time seeing how she was so emotional about it. I think it may have something to do with Fiona moving. On Saturday, the reason we didn't watch the movies was because we helped Ian and Dianne move more stuff to their house. They moved all the crutial things: beds, kitchen, clothes, washer/dryer, etc. They are officially living there now, but will come back during the week and on Saturday to clean up and move the storage things. It didn't hit Reilly right away, but at about 3:30am on Sunday, she had a break down. She woke up and couldn't stop crying. Dustin went in to console her and talked to her a bit. Turns out that she's really distraught about Fiona not living right next door. She's never known anything but having Fiona there and I think this'll be a hard transition for the poor girl. :( She's going up on Friday to have a sleep over with Fiona, so I hope that'll help her out.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Moving day...
Good luck, guys!!
Thursday, October 16, 2008
Reilly's Witchy Costume!
The time on the post is correct. Reilly was trying really hard to stay up all night last night. I don't know why, but she's been bugging me to stay up for weeks. Since she didn't have school today, and we were working on her costume, I said it was okay. She didn't make it very long, but late enough!
Monday, October 13, 2008
Makeup or Kids?
Dustin and I were watching E! this evening and caught part of a show called "Stars Without Makeup" and were digusted! They were ripping on celebrities that got 'caught' living without primping and painting for hours. They're still human and they look normal. So, every picture they would say what each celebrity needed for a makeover... um, when they're on screen they look fine (sometimes over-done, but fine), so what's the big deal?! Goldie Hawn and Diana Ross are old... GET OVER IT! Now, some of the pics were horrific, like Eva Longoria walking all around town with frizzy, crazy hair... I wouldn't go out looking like that, but that's just me. Anyway, besides a few pics, they just looked normal!
P.S. Have any of you guys ever thought that Annie looks like Julia Roberts? Minus the huge teethy grin, it's pretty close, no?
Halloween Costumes
We're going to have a blast this year... we're even dressing Maya up like a witch. Fun, fun, fun!!
By. <---- Reilly typed this!
Like This and Like That
This is a bit of Sean talking. He's getting TONS better, but he's got a few letters (and combinations of letters) that he struggles with. After this was taken, we hit "th" hard and he's doing better. He's sooo cute!
Tuesday, October 7, 2008
New Floor
Monday, October 6, 2008
Crazy-Lauren Dream!
So, how 'bout that stock market?
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
I'll just do it myself!
She emptied the clean dishes...
Put the dirty dishes in and ran it!
We made the cookies today! :) What a girl!!
BTW, we posed the first picture because I didn't catch her doing it yesterday and the second picture is the actual way she loaded those dishes. It quite amazing that she didn't overcrowd dishes or cover up the dishwasher components. :)
Monday, September 29, 2008
Am I stupid? Cause I really don't think I am!
Seriously, am I stupid!?!?!!?
Oh, and as far as the picture goes, doesn't it look like they're getting down to business... sipping their coffee and all?