I'm already feeling the depression of winter setting in. I HATE being stuck inside and freezing my butt off all day. I really look forward to and enjoy warm weather and outside activities. So, because of my extremely sad depressions, I've tried to spend more time outside with the kids. On Saturday, I bought a trampoline. I bought it more for me than the kids, but they can jump on it, too. Sean was freaked out at first, but quickly got into it and even tests the safety net. He mostly runs back and forth and pretends to jump out the net. :) Cute! Reilly jumps a lot more, but wouldn't do it when I had the camera... she kept complaining that I NEVER let her play with her friends or do fun things... what a whiner!

i think that little girl needs another outfit.
Tell her that... she insists on wearing the same two bathing suits everyday!
how can you feel winter coming when it's 90+ degrees outside?!
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