Monday, January 19, 2009

Retail seasons

I was at Target in early November and noticed something very odd. Right next to the sweaters and heavy coats were ... bikinis?? I had a picture, but I think it got deleted off my phone. It was the craziest thing! I notice it every year, but this year it seemed to change to summer a bit earlier than usual. Before Thanksgiving, in fact. Anyway, weird, wild stuff. :\


kathbot said...

Wait, wasn't that when we were shopping for Halloween costumes?

nhodge said...

after this crazy frigid winter, i'm definitely ready for summer but that just sounds like cruel and unusual punishment ... taunting consumers with swimsuits when it's all of 3 degrees outside.

Anonymous said...

Actually they are doing it for a very specific reason. They are very smart to be selling bikinis during the winter, because many people go away on holidays during the winter and will need a new bikini. But you won't see them sell thing that are needed for warmish weather like a light jacket during the winter.