Friday, August 20, 2010

Things NOT to do in front of potential landlord...

After walking several people through our next door apartment, I've discovered a few mistakes that people make. First, do NOT tell the landlord that the lower level is perfect for letting kids make messes because you can just close the door. As the landlord in this situation, I say, "No. Actually, it's a better idea to clean up those messes." *Smile* Next, do NOT fight with each other. Landlords sharing a wall with renters will NOT enjoy hearing arguments through the wall. Last, do NOT tell landlord that you send your child to a private school, but need help paying for rent. ?? Okay, that one was the worst.

The good news is that we had quite a few people walk through that were excellent candidates! It was rough to decide which family was the best. In the end, we picked the couple that could commit to a year and seemed to be very respectful and responsible. They accepted and we're trying to get the place ready for next week. :D


My "5"ever Family said...

Are you still living in the same place??? We're now living in Eagle Mountain-Silver Lake subdivision. You're kids are adorable!

PaintPotato said...

Oh.. Uh huh.. Hmm.. Uh... Dangit, I do all of those.

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