Tuesday, June 23, 2009


I do have some pictures and stories to blog about, but I haven't been prioritizing it lately. We moved a family into the duplex next door and she had next to NOTHING! It made me jealous because her house looks so polished, so I decided to tackle decluttering my house a little at a time. It's a lot harder than I anticipated it, though. So, it's taking a while to get through the junk. So far, I've done the hall closets, kid's room, basement and living room. I need to finish getting rid of crap in the basement (toys, shoes and camping stuff), but am having a hard time deciding what to keep and what to chuck... ANYHOO! While I'm up to my ears in homework, kids and chores, I still want something else to do in my down time... maybe something to help me fall asleep at night... I need a book! Preferably one that I can purchase on a CD or audiobook file, but I want it to be GOOD! So, if you have suggestions, please let me know soon. Thanx!


azurerocket said...

Hey, I'll show you how to get free audiobooks from the library through the internet - perfect for the lazy, er I mean busy.

I LOVE the new header on the blog, and yeah, I totally am trying to declutter too but most of the time I have a hard time deciding. I always do a lot better if I have someone to ask for a second opinion. Aw crap, I just looked around the room and the Easter decorations are still up!

azurerocket said...

I blogged about our little squirrel encounter today. Have you had a chance to mess with the audiobooks? Sorry my last comment left you hanging.