Monday, February 23, 2009

At six and four, we're still having firsts...

Yesterday and today have marked the first time my kids were sick at the same time. I've always been lucky enough to suffer through sickness one kid at a time, but this weekend, we had no such luck... Especially today! All the whinning and crying... needs and clinging... TIMES TWO! I do NOT know how Mom did it! How can you handle more than that?

Reilly's sixth birthday!

I don't do parties! It's another Rolling Apple thing... Mom hated them, and so do I! Well, I caved and let Reilly have one. She invited 9 friends and 8 came. YIKES! Actually, it wasn't that bad. They just wanted to watch a movie the whole time. We played a few games, had pizza and opened presents. The end! It was good 'n' short. :)

The Beck and I go skiing!

Rebekah and I 'hit the slopes' while she was here and we ... literally... hit... the slopes. I'm not sure about her, but I had fun even though we spent more time in the snow than on it. :)

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Most insightful Valentine's Day - ever!

While I was growing up, I thought it would be grand to be an adult! How glamorous! Everyone seemed so mature and intellegent! But, the problem is that people don't change. There is the same stigma as when I was in highschool. Politics and connections are EVERYWHERE! People are no more willing to go outside of their comfort-zone to meet new people. They're no more mature than a 16 year old. Why would I have dramatized getting older? It is true that young people long to be older (and 'free'), and vice versa. I guess I'm not wishing I was younger. Just that I wish that I knew it wasn't all it was cracked up to be. This bring me to the point! Find joy in each stage of life. It's a simple concept, but without happiness, you cannot have joy. I tend to think the 'as soon as...' way.

As soon as we finish school, all will be well in the Brown home. As soon as Reilly and Sean are going to school full-time, all will be well. As soon as we establish ourselves, all will be well. BUT! Here's the thing! All is well - now!

We have each other, our health, support from families who love us, etc. The list goes on. Find joy where you're at today. Here's my joy today. We spend the later afternoon into the night together. Watched a movie on my bed, tickled kids, ate fatty snacks, and cuddled! What could possibly be better? This happens every weekend and we rarely miss an opportunity to cuddle and watch a movie (good or bad - as was the case this evening).

Dueling Faces: The Ugly-Off

Rebekah came to visit and she and I have a similar bad habit... The two combined could only result in the following video! It was inevitable!

Monday, February 9, 2009

Home Alone!

I don't usually pick Reilly up from school on Mondays. The girl I carpool with does... therefore, I always forget that she gets out early on Mondays. So, since Rebekah is here visiting, I decided to skip my orchestra class today to hang out. The plan was to pick up Reilly from school, have lunch and do something fun. When we got to school, though, Reilly was gone. I called the girl that I carpool with and she had dropped Reilly off at the house. She was there ALONE for between 15 and 20 minutes. We rushed over to make sure she was okay, but when I got in the house, this is what I saw.

We made cookies yesterday to give out as Valentines for her class and she had started frosting them. She said, 'There wasn't anyone here, so I am finishing the cookies.' I'm so glad she doesn't freak out easily!